ELM Tree Development

Web Development, Design, and Marketing

Do you know who's visiting your site? How they got there? What they are viewing?

Google Analytics can answer all these questions - but you have to know what it's telling you.

Google Analytics can tell you which ads are bringing customers to your site. It can tell you how many customers added items to their cart but never checked out. It can tell you if you are pulling in users from your target audience. However, to be beneficial to you, you have to know how to interpret the information Google gives you, what it means, and how to use that information to make changes that will benefit you. That is where we come in.

Google Analytics Individual Qualification ex: Aug 2022

How do you let potential clients and customers know about the products and services you offer? Word of mouth? Flyers? A web site can allow your reach to grow to a limitless level.

However, having a web site alone isn't enough. You probably know the old addage "don't judge a book by its cover." However, let's be honest. It happens all the time! When you encounter a web page that is confusing to navigate or visually displeasing, you likely won't stay on that page long enough to find what you came looking for.

I focus on three primary things when building a web site.

  • Making it visually appealling.
  • Making it easy to navigate.
  • Setting it up in a way that your users can find what they are looking for in 3 clicks or less.